Posted by : senan Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welcome! In this section we going to cover differect kinds of operators we use in programming. These operators are common to ever language. So, in PHP they are no diffrent. We will go through each type of operators with examples on how they are done PHP.

Arithmetic Operators


In programming, we often perform arthmenteic operations to calculate values. Below is the list of these oprators with examples.


Operator Name Example Output
+ Addition <?php
$num = 5+5;
echo $num
- Subtraction <?php
$num = 5-5;
echo $num
* Multiplication <?php
$num = 5*5;
echo $num
/ Division <?php
$num = 5/5;
echo $num


Comparison Operators








Comparison Operators prove very useful when checking the status of two variables or values. For example, if you wna tto check if one is equal to the other, we would use = operator. Comparasion operators are used in logic conditional statements (check PHP If...else section) to evalute if the condition is true or false.

Operator Name Example Output
> is greater than 6 > 5

5 > 6
First example returns true.

Second example returns false.
< is less than 6 < 5

5 < 6
First example returns false.

Second example returns true.
>= is greater than equal to 5 >= 4returns true
<= is less than equal to 5 <= 4returns false
== is equal to 5 = 4returns false
!= is not equal to 5 != 4returns true

Logic Operators





Logic operators can be used to combine two or more comparision statements combined into one statement to determine its status. For example, we can check to see if value A greater than value B and value B greater then value C. Let's check out some examples.

Operator Name Example Output
&& and (6 > 5 && 1 < 7) returns true
|| or (2 > 5 || 1 < 7) returns true

If you're not familiar with the logic operations and their usage, please refer to the table below for reference. The table shows what you would get back when performating logic operatioon on two values p and q where T = True and F = False.

pqp and qp or q


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